Friday, October 19, 2018

Exploring the Political (week 9)

During the 1960's and the 1970s there was a rise in art responding to politics. Artist made their voice heard through

Rush, Michael. New Media in Art. Thames & Hudson, 2011.

Friday, October 12, 2018

[Online] Identity & Reality [TV] (Week 8)

It's interesting how early artists use the concept of identity to make art. From Sadie Benning to Korean-born Seoung Cho, the search for identity took many forms. It was a way of self-expression but at the same time finding who one is.  The search for identity in art is still present today in everyday life. It was also a way to show society that there isn't just one perfect cutout that identifies everybody. It was meant to show the hidden characteristics of being "different". Today we see that in media as well with plus-size models, different ethnicities, and much more diversity in various media. Buzzfeed a popular video company is often praised for their inclusion of various people. Just in their LadyLike group, they include 5 totally different women but they all show us that there isn't just one way to be a woman. The diverse filled network is what makes it unique and attracts the public.

Another way we see identity in media today is through Instagram and Social Media pages. We see Instagram pictures that look beautiful but not all the time they are depicting reality. People go to great extents to depict a perfect self on social media but to what extent is it worth it? Internet identity vs real-life identity can truly be different. Is like those reality tv shows not all is real; a lot is for ratings. So how much of what we see can we believe? Which is truly us?

Rush, Michael. New Media in Art. Thames & Hudson, 2011.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Slogans (week 7)

These are my slogans for my propaganda poster. I am doing my poster on breastfeeding. Depending on the slogan I choose that is the route I will take for my poster. 
  1. The first slogan highlights the fact that most major women fashion companies portray the female body for advertisement. Even food companies often depict the female body as a way to advertise their food. It shows how society depicts the role of the breast as objects. It utilizes women to advertise things so in the process it is objectifying women.
  2. The second one is calling at the hypocrisy of people telling nursing mothers to "cover up" when all around us people are walking showing off their bodies, and advertisements and television depict more indecent female stars and models. 
  3. The third uses the word NAKED as an acronym to show the true purpose of the breast, by highlighting the benefits of breastfeeding. This one I had a harder time coming up with words that fitted the acronym and had to do with breastfeeding. So, I focus on the emotional aspect of breastfeeding.
If you have any suggestion for better words feel free to comment. Comment on the best one and add your own thoughts. Thank you.